Table of Contents
It seems like just yesterday that we closed down the convention at the Grove Park and I began serving my term as President of the Association (admittedly a little slowly after staying out too late at the piano bar). Looking back, I closed my first President’s Message for this newsletter with the following statement, “2011-12 will be an important year for the future of the NCLTA and I look forward to serving as President. There are important issues at hand and on the horizon and we need the support of our members to tackle them.” Well 2011-12 was certainly an important year for NCLTA and the title industry in North Carolina. The progress made was only possible as a result of the passion and dedication of a number of the Association’s members. Thank you to everyone who lent their time over the past year whether it was serving on the Executive Board, a subcommittee or working on the newly minted mechanics’ lien legislation.
As you all know by now Governor Perdue signed SB 42 into law on July 12, 2012. This legislation was the product of years of hard work by the NCLTA’s Loss Prevention Committee led by Kim Rosenberg. However, without the tireless work of Kim’s committee, Nancy Ferguson, Ken Stone, Steve Brown, Nick Long, Jay Williams, our lobbyist David Ferrell and many others over the last two months of the short session our bill would not have passed. Unfortunately there was little time for celebrating, even before the bill was signed and almost from the moment the votes were tallied the Association has been hard at work on implementation of the private lien agent model. We have been in touch with interest groups, the Department of Insurance, legislators and parties from others states in an effort to insure that our system is efficient and user-friendly for everybody involved. With the long session opening in January 2013 the Association will need to continue to lobby and meet with legislators and interest groups in order to preserve the change we achieved in 2012.
In conjunction with the push for change in the mechanics’ lien law and as part of an aggressive legislative campaign the Association formed a Political Action Committee in 2012 for the first time. The PAC has received significant contributions already but going into the long session next year the PAC needs the support of all of our members. Together, by pooling our funds, we can be a significant voice in Raleigh on legislative issues. If you are attending the annual convention at Wild Dunes please stop by the PAC table to purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win an iPad 2 and consider making an additional donation to the PAC. Without your support the PAC cannot help the Association be an effective voice on legislative issues.
Speaking of Wild Dunes, preliminary attendance numbers look great for the convention. Matt Powers and Nicole Shore have put together a great CLE program and exciting events. Wild Dunes is always an incredible venue. In addition, we have revived our annual golf tournament which is always a great opportunity to spend quality time with colleagues in the industry. We have a lot to celebrate this year and I look forward to seeing everybody there.
The title industry lost one of its most dedicated members and advocates this summer in Joe Parker. Joe was a former NCLTA President and also served the industry on a national level as President of the American Land Title Association in 1998-1999. Honorary membership in the NCLTA was bestowed on Joe in 2007. Many of you knew and worked closely with Joe over the years. Please take a moment to read Jay Hedgepeth’s tribute to Joe below.
As the convention approaches so does the end of my term as President. I appreciate the opportunity to serve the Association in this capacity over the past year. Being able to work closely with such dedicated and knowledgeable colleagues has both educated me and galvanized my faith in the title industry in North Carolina. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve you and I can’t wait to see many of you in South Carolina!
by Jay Hedgepeth
Joseph Martin Parker, Jr. died August 6, 2012. Just five years ago, Jeff Hrdlicka then NCLTA President asked and I agreed to say a few words about my friend and colleague at the banquet during the NCLTA Annual Meeting held August 9-11, 2007 at Mid Pines Resort. What Jeff actually wanted was an introduction to the announcement that the Executive Committee had bestowed on Joe Parker Honorary Membership in the NCLTA, a tribute well deserved. I quickly realized that I had agreed to do the impossible. How can you say a few words about a 40 year career? A career devoted to preserving and promoting the best interests of the title insurance industry and the approved attorney system – a career dedicated to educating others about title insurance – a career centered on duty and commitment to our industry. Just a few words could not possibly document his outstanding professional career. Now, five years later, I was asked to submit a few words about my friend and colleague for publication in the NCLTA Title News, and I again realize that I have agreed to do the impossible.
Born October 7, 1931 in Brooklyn, Joe spent his early years in New York before moving to a family farm in Wake County. He excelled as a scholar and athlete at Fork Union Military Academy, continued his education at Elon College, and then joined the United States Marine Corps. Joe enrolled in Duke Law School after serving active duty, but continued his military service in the Marine Reserves until his retirement as a Lt. Colonel. Law school marked the beginning of his fervent passion for Duke football and basketball.
After graduation from Duke Law School in 1960, Joe practiced law in Shelby and Asheville until 1966 when he joined the Legal Department of Lawyers Title Insurance Company in Richmond as Regional Counsel for 15 states, including North Carolina. In 1978 Joe left Richmond to join Lawyers Title of North Carolina, first working in the Winston-Salem office and later moving to the Raleigh office in 1990 as President and General Counsel. Following the purchase of that agency by Lawyers Title Insurance Company, Joe continued with Lawyers Title until 1995 when he returned to Winston-Salem to open his own title insurance agency, Parker Title Insurance Agency. He sold the agency to First American in 2005 but continued with the new ownership, albeit with the thought of retirement on his mind. In the spring of 2006 Joe became associated with the Winston-Salem office of The Title Company of North Carolina for the purpose of what I then described as “transitioning into retirement”. By early 2007 he reached full retirement in body, mind and spirit.
Joe Parker contributed much to the title insurance industry and the real property bar in North Carolina. Throughout his career he actively served the North Carolina Bar Association as a member of the Real Property Section Council, as a longstanding member of the Real Property Curriculum Committee, and as chair of the Drafting Committee for the 1986 Condominium Act. He was a frequent CLE speaker on title insurance and real property related topics.
He served the NCLTA as the first General Counsel to the NCLTA Executive Committee in 1980-1981, as President in 1985-1986 and as General Counsel again in 2000-2001. His commitment to the title insurance industry was not limited to North Carolina. His service to the ALTA includes being a member of the Forms Committee in 1985-1994, chair of the Abstractors and Agents Section, and a member of the Board of Governors. In 1998-1999 he became the first and only North Carolinian to serve as President of the ALTA.
The 40 year career of Joe Parker was one of selfless commitment and tireless effort – a career distinguished by an unwavering commitment of duty and obligation to the title insurance industry – a career that served us well. My friend and colleague died, but his legacy as a pillar of the title insurance industry in North Carolina remains a beacon for us all.
Matt Powers - President
Jay Williams - Vice President
Lisa Shields - Treasurer
Karl Knight - Secretary
Ryan Wainio - Past President
Taby Cruden - General Counsel
We are so excited about the fast approaching 2012 Annual Convention at Wild Dunes!
We are planning for the biggest contingent in recent years. With generous sponsorships received we promise that this will be one of the best conventions ever. If you have not registered yet, do so today!
Meet the Speakers
This convention will be a more relaxed atmosphere – dress it down and come to party! The Friday Night Annual Banquet will feature a fun atmosphere and a great band – The Great Society!
Complete Convention Details
Limited space available for the Golf Tournament. If you are interesetd please contact NCLTA today!

Remember! NCLTA Annual Convention CLE is going Paperless! We will not have handouts this year. We will offer WiFi – bring your laptop or tablet to read along or download from prior to the convention.
See the Spring 2012 Newsletter.