AOC to Odyssey Alert: Volume Two:
We are many months into the data migration project by the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to upgrade the current VCAP system that indexes all civil and criminal filings in North Carolina to the Odyssey integrated case management system.
At the outset of the transition from VCAP to Odyssey, NCLTA adopted a GAP indemnity form to be utilized by title insurance underwriters in North Carolina. The initial purpose of the indemnity agreement was to address the limited period between the VCAP program going offline in the pilot counties, and the Odyssey Portal going live.
During this transition of data migration from VCAP to Odyssey in the pilot counties, additional issues and concerns have been raised about the overall search function and reliability of the Odyssey Portal at this stage. As a result, NCLTA has revised the original indemnity agreement to appropriately address the current data migration concerns. The revised version has been adopted for use by NCLTA and it is recommended for use going forward.
The revised version removes references to documents that would be found in a normal search of a Register of Deeds index. It also clarifies that this indemnification form does not replace the need for obtaining the appropriate NCLTA lien waivers. It should also be noted that attorneys are still required to search the Odyssey Portal and that obtaining this indemnity agreement does not discharge that responsibility.
As always, attorneys should contact their title insurance providers to confirm whether the revised indemnity agreement will be required for transactions in counties that have transitioned from VCAP to Odyssey. For underwriters, NCLTA has drafted a sample requirement that can be utilized on future commitments issued which is included below.
NCLTA will continue to provide updates as this process continues throughout the remainder of 2023 and into 2024 until Odyssey is fully operational in all North Carolina counties.
Enterprise Justice Odyssey Affidavit and Indemnity Form - PDF
Enterprise Justice Odyssey Affidavit and Indemnity Form - DOC